Satanist Prof in Minnesota Says ‘Grossly Predatory’ God Impregnated Virgin Mary Without Consent

A Minnesota State University, Mankato professor and member of the Satanic Temple recently suggested that God impregnated the Virgin Mary without her “consent.”

“The virgin birth story is about an all-knowing, all-powerful deity impregnating a human teen. There is no definition of consent that would include that scenario. Happy Holidays,” Professor Eric Sprankle recently tweeted.

When one Twitter user pointed out that the story includes an angel communicating “God’s plan for Mary” to her, Sprankle suggested that the “biblical God regularly punished disobedience.”

“The power difference (deity vs. mortal) and the potential for violence for saying ‘no’ negates her ‘yes.’ To put someone in this position is an unethical abuse of power at best and grossly predatory at worst,” Sprankle wrote.

Sprankle, a professor of clinical psychology and sexuality studies, is a member of the Satanic Temple, and mockingly claims that Marilyn Manson is his “lord and savior.” He frequently tweets Satanic imagery, including one of his Christmas tree decorated with Satanic ornaments, and claims that he was “married in a cemetery on Halloween.”

“I saw some goth teens at the mall who had inverted crosses painted on their foreheads, and I have a renewed faith in our country’s future,” he said in another tweet.

In his Twitter bio, Sprankle claims to be a defender of “sex workers’ rights,” and has defended practices such as BDSM in other tweets. As a professor, Sprankle leads the Sexual Health Research Team at Minnesota State University, where he claims to examine “sex work stigma, the effects of sexually explicit material, older adult sexuality, and the intersections of sexual health and genital piercings.”

According to Campus Reform, neither Sprankle nor his employer have responded to requests for comment on the matter.

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Anthony Gockowski is managing editor of Battleground State News and The Minnesota Sun. Follow Anthony on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Image “Eric Sprankle, PsyD” by Eric Sprankle.






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