Tim Walz Dropped into Soros’ House for a Fundraiser

Tim Walz
by Robert Schmad


Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz fundraised at Alex Soros’ home on Monday, according to a pool report.

The fundraiser took place at the Manhattan home of Alex Soros and his wife, former top Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin, according to The New York Times. The Wall Street Journal reported in June 2023 that Alex Soros had taken over the philanthropic and political empires built by his father, George Soros.

“I’m more political,” the younger Soros told the WSJ in 2023, comparing himself to his father. “As much as I would love to get money out of politics, as long as the other side is doing it, we will have to do it, too.”

Reports did not disclose who was in attendance at the Walz fundraiser at Soros’ home nor how much was raised. The Harris campaign did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.

Alex Soros has indeed been politically active since taking the reins from his father, donating millions to political committees aimed at helping Democrats win elections and expanding the accessibility of abortion through his Democracy PAC. Campaign finance records indicate that the Soros-backed Open Society Action Fund has also pumped $3 million into supporting a constitutional amendment in Florida, a measure that critics like Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis argue will allow abortions to be performed up until the moment of birth.

The ballot summary of the amendment indicates that it would prevent the state’s legislature from restricting abortion access before viability outside the womb, which usually begins around 24 weeks, and would allow healthcare providers like Planned Parenthood to perform an abortion at any point if they determine the procedure is needed to protect the mother’s health.

Walz in 2023 signed legislation that legalized abortion up to birth and removed a requirement that healthcare providers attempt to save the life of infants born alive in the process of an abortion.

Though Alex Soros has publicly supported Israel, Open Society Foundations in 2023 donated to several groups that have staged anti-Israel demonstrations. Jewish Voice for Peace Action and If Not Now Education Fund, two groups linked to the wave of anti-Israel protests that racked the country following Hamas’ Oct. 7 terrorist attacks, both received six-figure sums.

Under Alex Soros, the Open Society Foundations has also emphasized its spending on voter mobilization efforts, promising alongside a coalition of liberal nonprofits in April to expedite its disbursements in the area.

A spokesperson for the Soros family declined to comment on the fundraiser.

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Robert Schmad is a reporter at Daily Caller News Foundation.
Photo “Tim Walz” by Tim Walz.




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