President Biden Says He Left Presidential Race for the Sake of Democracy

President Joe Biden addressed the nation on Wednesday about his decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, saying that the sake of democracy is why he has decided to not run for reelection.

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Trump Shooter Searched ‘How Far Away Was Oswald from Kennedy?’ Prior to Attack

The National Desk FBI director Christopher Wray is testifying before the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday as the agency continues its investigation into the failed assassination of former President Donald Trump as lawmakers continue their investigations into how the Secret Service failed to prevent the shooting and law enforcement continues to search…

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Student Test Scores Continue to Plummet Despite Hundreds of Billions in Pandemic Aid for Education

Student taking class online

Student test scores are continuing to fall four years after schools moved online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a study released Tuesday by testing company Northwest Evaluation Association (NWEA).

The paper found gaps in academic performance between today’s students and their pre-pandemic counterparts are widening, despite the record $190 billion in federal aid distributed to schools since the pandemic began. The findings — which were divulged from an analysis of test results from the 2023-24 school year for approximately 7.7 million students between the third and eighth grades — also come two years after experts had claimed a recovery in education was underway.

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Harris Promoted Paper Ballots Before 2020 Election, but Democrats Now Push Back on Election Integrity

Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris promoted using paper ballots for elections the last time she was a presidential candidate, but since then, Democrats and the Biden administration have largely pushed back against election integrity laws that Republicans have promoted.

Five years ago, Harris was part of a bipartisan effort to encourage the use of paper ballots. However, since the 2020 presidential election, Democrats have called Republicans “election deniers” for promoting such election integrity measures, and the Biden administration is focusing on suing states with election integrity laws.

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When Kamala Harris was Put in Charge in Past Jobs, Scandal, and Failure Often Followed

Kamala Harris

Before she was Joe Biden’s understudy the last four years, Kamala Harris ran offices as a California prosecutor and senator. Often, scandal and failings followed in her wake.

As California Attorney General, Harris was widely criticized for failing to take on prosecutorial misconduct. In fact her office was “called out” by judges for “defending convictions obtained by local prosecutors” who had inserted false confessions, lied under oath, and withheld evidence. A federal appeals judge even admonished officials in 2015 to talk to Harris “and make sure she understands the gravity of the situation” involving prosecutorial misconduct.

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Migrants in Caravan Head to U.S. Border Using CBP One App Fearing Trump will Close Border If He Wins

Migrant caravan

A new caravan of migrants is heading to the U.S. border on foot using the U.S. government-issued CBP One smartphone app, which some of them worry 2024 presidential nominee Donald Trump would end if he wins a second term and closes the border.

The caravan left from southern Mexico.

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Commentary: The Second Amendment Is More Crucial than Ever After Attempt to Kill Trump

Man training at gun range

A 20-year-old man with a rifle, perched atop a nearby roof, fired several rounds July 13 at Donald Trump as the former president spoke at a campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, killing one attendee and wounding at least two others.

As we know now, one round nicked Trump’s right ear and he avoided a serious wound or death with a fortuitous head turn that moved him out of the bullet’s path at the last second.

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ICE Conducts Sweeping Raid in Florida of Criminal Aliens Released into U.S. Under Non-Detention Program

ICE Agents conducting a raid

Federal immigration authorities in Florida last week apprehended more than a dozen illegal migrants who were convicted or charged of crimes while in a program that allowed them to live freely in the U.S. despite crossing the border illegally.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents arrested 18 illegal migrants in a week-long raid referred to as “Operation Drumbeat,” according to a press release from the agency. The operation, which was done in conjunction with Border Patrol agents, apprehended noncitizens charged or convicted of a slate of heinous crimes, such as child abuse, extortion, assault, burglary and other offenses.

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Kamala Harris Faces Renewed Criticism for Support of Minnesota Bail Fund That Helped Free Violent Offenders

Kamala Harris Speaking

Democratic Vice President Kamala Harris, likely to succeed President Joe Biden as the Democratic nominee in the 2024 presidential election, is facing renewed scrutiny for her past support of a controversial bail fund with a history of springing violent offenders from jail.

Harris, despite often citing her experience as a district attorney and attorney general as a demonstration of her law and order credentials, endorsed the Minnesota Freedom Fund (MFF) in a tweet from June 1, 2020, declaring, “if you’re able to, chip in now to the MN Freedom Fund to help post bail for those protesting on the ground in Minnesota.” The fund received a $40 million cash windfall after it was promoted by celebrities like Harris, Seth Rogen and Chrissy Teigen.

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Loudermilk Seeks Records from Capitol Police on Investigation of Gallows on Capitol Grounds January 6

U.S. Capitol police uniform

Committee on House Administration’s Subcommittee on Oversight Chairman Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., is pressing United States Capitol Police (USCP) Chief J. Thomas Manger for “records and information” related to their investigation of the “gallows assembled on the Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021,” according to a news release sent out on Tuesday.

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Battleground States Absent Hurdles to Place Harris on Ballot

Kamala Harris

Election laws in all seven battleground states will allow Democrats to place onto ballots the name of Vice President Kamala Harris, or another candidate if one materializes.

As President Joe Biden’s supporters rally around Harris to take his spot as the party nominee, Republicans are planning legal challenges. Biden announced his decision via social media Sunday afternoon, with one month until the Aug. 19-22 Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

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Music Spotlight: Tiffany Woys

Tiffany Woys

Tiffany Woys has always wanted to be a performer. Her mother was a huge Celine Dion fan, and when she was five, her mother took her to her first concert. Even though she was so young, it had a profound impact on her. She wasn’t sure exactly what was happening, but she knew she wanted to hold a microphone and sing.

A few years later, Woys heard LeAnn Rimes sing the National Anthem at a Dallas Cowboys football game, so she started singing the National Anthem whenever she could. Her parents finally started taking her desire to sing as a career more seriously. However, they insisted that she attend college and get a degree. She could become a singer later on.

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Commentary: The Big Divide

Man looking out window

Whether the economy is currently bubbling along or facing a slowdown, a slow-motion disaster is about to create a real crisis for the government, our future politics, and the shrinking middle class. Half of households have no retirement savings.

This is just one of many shifts in the economy that reflect the declining fortunes of the middle class. Wages have remained mostly flat for most workers—particularly those without a college degree—since the early 1970s. Recent high rates of inflation further cut into the ability of the self-identified middle class to make ends meet. But the biggest change has been the abolition of employer-provided pensions and their replacement with rickety and self-managed 401k savings plans.

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Trump Gunman Had Michigan School Shooter’s Photo, Foreign Encrypted Apps, FBI Tells Congress

Thomas Crooks and Ethan Crumbley (composite image)

While Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle frustrated lawmakers Monday with sparse details about the assassination attempt on Donald Trump, the FBI has disclosed to Congress that the shooter used three encrypted communications apps ostensibly tied to Germany, Brussels and New Zealand and also possessed an arrest photo of an earlier Michigan school shooter, Just the News has confirmed.

In multiple briefings, FBI leaders told lawmakers that the 20-year-old would-be assassin Thomas Matthew Crooks’ primary cell phone has become an important focal point of the probe, including some 14,000 images that were found on it, according to multiple sources familiar with the briefings. The FBI has not issued an update on their findings to the public since July 14.

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