CIA Shocker: Ukraine, Venezuela Have Highest Rates of Net In-Migration in the World

Center for Immigration Studies


recently came across a CIA report that was a shocker: Of the three countries with the highest net in-migration—that is, the highest proportion of migrants entering compared to those leaving– in the world, Ukraine is first and Venezuela is third. Why are a war-torn country and an economic basket case leading expat refuges like the British Virgin Islands (number 4), the Caymans (5), and Monaco (7) in terms of in-migration? And, more importantly, why are our migrant-friendly policies for Ukrainians and Venezuelans still in effect?

Before I continue, as the CIA explains: “Net migration rate compares the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country during the year per 1,000 persons (based on midyear population)”. The higher the rate, the larger the number of proportional annual arrivals.









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