Questions Surrounding Administration of ‘Rollover’ Absentee Ballots in Fulton County Remain Unanswered Days Before Georgia U.S. Senate Runoff Elections

Just days before the statewide U.S. Senate runoff in Georgia, confusion over obtaining absentee ballots remains. 

“Georgians who are over the age of 65, members of the military or are physically disabled have the option of receiving absentee ballots for an entire election cycle by submitting a single application,” Atlanta radio station WABE reported in November. 

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Nashville Police Announce Death of Anthony Warner in Christmas Bombing

Just hours after confirming that 63-year-old Anthony Quinn Warner was under investigation for an explosion that rocked downtown Nashville on Christmas, the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department (MNPD) confirmed that Warner died in that explosion. 

“BREAKING: Law enforcement is now announcing that Anthony Warner, 63, of Bakertown Rd, is the man believed responsible for Friday’s explosion He perished in the blast. No one else is presently believed to have been involved. Thank you to our federal & state partners,” MNPD said in a statement. 

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Favorite Christmas Songs by State

Christmas Day has finally arrived and although many people’s plans may look quite different this year, there is one thing about the holiday season that can never be changed: catchy, calming and irresistible Christmas songs.

Whether a person listens to Christmas music all 365 days of the year or only starts once winter has set in, almost everybody has a favorite jingle that inevitably gets played more often around the holidays.

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Georgia Voters Sue Fulton County, Allege Illegal Ballot Scanning Corresponding with Vote Spike

A group of Georgia voters filed a lawsuit in Fulton County Superior Court earlier this week against the individual members of the Fulton County Board of Elections and individually against Richard Barron, Fulton County Elections Director. The lawsuit focused on the security footage presented by Trump’s legal team during the Georgia Senate hearing, popularized as the “suitcase ballots” video.

The plaintiffs alleged that the group of workers seen on video illegally scanned thousands of mail-in ballots hidden underneath skirted tables. They also claimed that those ballots may be fraudulent. Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VOTERGA), a nonpartisan and non-profit election integrity coalition, organized the aggrieved voters into a group of plaintiffs.

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Mercer Student Jailed in Caymans For Breaking COVID Lockdown Rules

A student at Mercer University in Macon has been ordered to spend four months in jail in Cayman Islands for breaking the British territory’s COVID-19 lockdown rules, according to several reports. 

“Skylar Mack and her boyfriend, Cayman Islands-based competitive Jet Skier Vanjae Ramgeet were jailed immediately after their sentences were handed down on Tuesday,” Fox News said last week. 

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Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections Rejects Challenge to Remove Voters from Rolls

The Athens-Clarke County Board of Elections struck down a challenge to remove nearly 8,000 voters from the the county’s rolls before Georgia’s January 5 U.S. Senate runoff election. 

“For the reasons I will discuss, I don’t believe there is probable cause to challenge these voters,” Athens-Clarke County Attorney Judd Drake said to open deliberations.

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Music Spotlight: Lilly Winwood

NASHVILLE, Tennesse-  I am often sent songs to review to see if I want to feature the song(s) and/or artist in my column. When I heard Lilly Winwood’s song “Few More Records” I knew this singer/songwriter was talented. But surely this Nashville girl wasn’t related to the Brit rocker, Steve Winwood.

It turns out, surely, she is. Lilly Winwood is the 25-year-old daughter of famed rock and roller, Steve Winwood.

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With Georgia Runoff Elections Less Than a Month Away, Neither the State Nor the Counties Have Produced Chain of Custody Records for 500,000 Absentee Ballots Placed in Drop Boxes for November 3 Election

The two U.S. Senate runoff elections in Georgia will be held on January 5, less than one month from now.

But more than one month after the controversial November 3 general election, documents necessary to establish the chain of custody for more than 83 percent of the estimated 600,000 absentee ballots placed in drop boxes by voters and subsequently delivered to county election officials by county poll workers have yet to be produced by either state or county officials.

As previously reported, the office of Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger told Breitbart News two weeks after the November 3 election that it did not know how many of the 1.3 million absentee ballots cast in the 2020 general election (out of 5 million total) were delivered by mail vs. drop box, but the counties should know.

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Georgia GOP Senators Introduce Special Session Petition

  Four Georgia lawmakers – State Senators Brandon Beach (R-Cherokee), Greg Dolezal (R-Cumming), William Ligon (R-Brunswick), and Burt Jones (R-Jackson) (pictured above, left to right) – bucked their leadership  Monday to launch a petition to force a special session of the Georgia General Assembly. They need 29 signatures to force…

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Pollster: Fraud Prone Drop Boxes Cost Trump and GOP the Election if Biden Wins GA; State Legislature Must Fix This Before Senate Runoffs

Drop-boxes will have cost President Donald Trump the election if Biden wins Georgia, and this points to the state’s most important concern for the upcoming Senate runoffs, Pollster John McLaughlin said in an exclusive statement to The Georgia Star News.

McLaughlin is CEO and partner of national survey research and strategic services company McLaughlin & Associates.

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Socialist Bernie Sanders Wants Georgia Residents to Send Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to Washington, D.C.

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on Saturday endorsed Democrats Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock to represent Georgia in the U.S. Senate. “We’re all working as hard as we can to make sure that the two Democratic candidates win in Georgia,” Sanders, a socialist, said on MSNBC.

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Vice President Pence Urges Support for Senators Perdue, Loeffler During Savannah Rally

Following Vice President Mike Pence’s Defend the Majority rally Friday in Savannah, the Georgia Republican Party released a video highlighting his unwavering support for U.S. Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Senator Kelly Loeffler (R-GA).

The Georgia GOP tweeted, “NEW VIDEO @Mike_Pence: ‘Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock are wrong for Georgia and wrong for America.’”

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President Trump Holds a Victory Rally in Valdosta, Georgia; Calls on Voters to Support Senators Perdue and Loeffler in Runoff

President Donald Trump spoke to raucous crowd of tens of thousands of Georgia voters Saturday evening in Valdosta, Georgia vowing to “never surrender,” in the important runoff in January.

Although Trump did not mention anything of a special session from Georgia Governor Kemp. As previously reported by The Georgia Star News, “legislators have petitioned for a special session ahead of the runoff election for several weeks.”

The president spoke on behalf of Republican Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler. Both are running against Democratic candidates in the Georgia January 5 runoff election.

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Governor Kemp Breaks Silence Again, Says He’s Always Asked for a Complete Audit

Governor Brian Kemp called for a complete audit of absentee ballot signatures late Thursday evening. The governor appeared on Fox News to express concern with the findings presented during Thursday’s Georgia Senate hearing.

“I called early on for a signature audit. Obviously, the Secretary of State per the laws and the Constitution would have to order that – he has not done that. I think it should be done. I think, especially from what we saw today, it [the evidence presented] raises more questions. There needs to be transparency on that. I would, again, call for that.”

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Poll Reveals 58 Percent of Voters Want Governor Kemp to Call Special Legislative Session Now

A majority of likely voters in January’s runoff election want Governor Brian Kemp to call a special session for absentee ballot signature verification. The poll, exclusively shared with The Georgia Star News, revealed that the bipartisan voters strongly desire a special legislative session addressing signature verification for every mail-in ballot.

The national survey research and strategic services company McLaughlin & Associates called 800 likely voters at the end of last month. The methodology was described as a random selection “to correlate with actual voter turnout in the November 3rd general election.”

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New Georgia Lawsuit Claims Over 20K Ballots Were Cast by Voters Who Don’t Meet Residency Requirements

A new lawsuit claimed that over 20,000 ballots were cast in Georgia by voters who don’t meet residency requirements. The suit included data analysis from the Voter Integrity Project (VIP) and an affidavit from the Census Bureau Deputy Director for Data Benjamin Overholt.

Democratic candidate Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump by over 12,600 votes – less than the number of votes that the lawsuit flagged as potentially fraudulent. 

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Georgia Senate Government Oversight Committee to Hold Meeting Investigating Election Integrity

Georgia State Senate leadership within the Government Oversight Committee will convene later this week to review the elections processes.

In its press release, the committee stated that they found it “appropriate” to review the standing election processes and guidance, “to ensure the integrity of Georgia’s voting process.”

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Trump Campaign Estimates 38K to 45K Illegal Absentee Ballots Cast in Georgia Election

The Trump Campaign alleged that between 38,000 and over 45,000 illegal absentee ballot votes were cast in Georgia. According to their estimations, the campaign requested that Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger do a complete audit on the absentee ballot envelope signatures.

The letter marked the campaign’s fifth petition filed to Raffensperger.

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Attorney Lin Wood: Trump Will Be Inaugurated Based on Voter Fraud in Dominion Voting Machines

Attorney Lin Wood stated that the investigations into election fraud would clear the path for President Donald Trump to be inaugurated come January.

In an interview with The John Fredericks Show, Wood shared details of his Sunday night court victory. Initially, the court impounded all Dominion machines throughout Georgia. The court has since changed its order to reflect that only three counties would have their machines impounded.

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FBI Requests Voter Integrity Project Data on Absentee Ballots for Investigation

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has requested the Voter Integrity Project’s (VIP) findings indicating illegal ballots in Georgia and other contested states. VIP was started by Matt Braynard immediately following this most recent general election. VIP has claimed to discover significant evidence of voter fraud that would impact the election’s outcome.

Braynard is the Executive Director of Look Ahead America, a voting registration and informational nonprofit, and former Data Chief and Strategist for Trump for President.

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Dominion Representative for Fulton County Was Kamala Harris’ Presidential Campaign Photographer

Kamala Harris’ presidential campaign photographer, Aric Thompson, served as a Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) technician representative in Fulton County. The photographer described Harris as his “long time client” – over four years, according to him. In a similar Facebook post, Thompson also mentioned that he was working with Democratic activist Stacey Abrams.

“Now that I’m home, contracts have been signed and I’ve been vetted by security, I can spill the beans on my big shoot! I’ll be the official photographer for Senator Kamala Harris who is running for President in 2020! I’ve been her Atl [sic] photographer for a while now so it was a great surprise when I got the call to shoot for her during her fundraising events on Sunday! Added Bonus I forgot to mention! I leave from shooting for Kamala and head to shoot an event with Stacey Abrams…! Blessed!”

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Georgia Secretary of State Says Trump Should Give Up and ‘Leave Quietly’

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger stated that President Donald Trump should give up and “leave quietly” from the White House. The secretary of state made these comments in an interview with Atlanta Journal-Constitution published Saturday.

“When you lose an election, you should leave quietly. It’s the will of the people that has been expressed,” stated Raffensperger.

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Breakdown of Sidney Powell’s Lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan

Attorney Sidney Powell delivered on her promise to file massive election fraud lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. The Georgia lawsuit was the weightier of the two, totaling 104 pages, with the Michigan lawsuit reaching 75 pages. Both lawsuits and all evidence are included on Powell’s legal defense fund website.

Thanksgiving Eve was an action-packed day for Powell – she followed up the presidential pardoning of her client, General Michael Flynn, by filing both lawsuits just before midnight.

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Sidney Powell ‘Releases the Kraken’ in Georgia Lawsuit

Attorney Sidney Powell filed her “Biblical” lawsuit on Wednesday in Georgia, making good on her promise to “release the Kraken.” The defendants were named as Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and State Election Board members David Worley, Rebecca Sullivan, Matthew Mashburn, and Anh Le. The lawsuit called into question around 146,600 votes at minimum.

The 104-page lawsuit claimed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) engaged in virtual ballot-stuffing through its electronic voting software. It bolstered its claim by alleging that the software design was created to manipulate the Venezuelan elections of Hugo Chavez, and was designed in a way to hide vote manipulations from any audits.

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Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday in 2020

Retailers like Target and Walmart stretched out their traditional Black Friday sales throughout the whole month, but post-Thanksgiving shopping sprees will still be available, according to press releases from the companies. Cyber Monday will feature big deals online as usual, but don’t forget Giving Tuesday and Small Business Saturday.

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Most Popular Thanksgiving Side Dishes by State

Thanksgiving is all about spending quality time with family and friends away from the everyday responsibilities such as work and school, but the holiday really centers around the large afternoon feast where so much food is consumed that a nap is usually required immediately afterward.

And everybody knows that Turkey is the mainstay of traditionally Thanksgiving meals, hence the nickname Turkey Day, but what about the side dishes? Which classic sides are more popular than others?

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Mass Protest at CNN: Your Fake News Gig Is Up 

Americans who once belonged to the political left, whether White, Black, straight or gay, assembled in front of CNN’s headquarters in Atlanta Saturday and explained why no one should ever again trust mainstream news outlets.

Those same people, who now support U.S. President Donald Trump, explained during a mass protest that those same legacy outlets need to disappear.

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Cobb County BOE Denies Ballot Shredding-After Videos Produce Evidence of Ballot Shredding

The Cobb County Board of Elections and Registration is defending itself after being accused of shredding election documents during Georgia’s controversial recount.

President Donald Trump’s attorney Lin Wood tweeted videos shot by a witness who identified herself as Susan Knox and said she was outside the Jim R. Miller Event Center, where ballots were stored, on Friday. She documented a mobile shredder company destroying documents, which she called ballots.

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U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton Warns Georgia of Dire Future If Voters Elect Dems to Control US Senate

If the residents of Georgia don’t want radical socialists to impose their ultimate wish list upon America then they better get out and vote Republican on January 5.

That was the message that U.S. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) relayed to a couple hundred people at a Defend the Majority Rally at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry on Thursday. Cotton appeared alongside U.S. Sen. David Perdue (R-GA) and U.S. Sen. Kelly Loeffler (R-GA). Perdue and Loeffler, both Republicans, are on the January 5, 2021 ballot against two Democrats, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, respectively.

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Georgia GOP Revolt: Beach, Senators Lead Uprising Against Gov. Kemp-Demand Special Session

Eleven of Georgia’s state senators are petitioning Governor Brian Kemp to call a special legislative session to amend election law, according to State Senator Brandon Beach (R-GA-Cherokee County). These legislators have also asked for an immediate oversight committee to look into the general election and rectify any mistakes prior to the January 5th runoff election.

Beach explained to The Georgia Star that widespread concern over the consent decree, voting discrepancies, and residency requirements have compromised faith in the upcoming runoff election.

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Project Veritas Interviews Witness Who Saw Georgia Election Recount Auditors Calling Trump Ballots for Biden

Georgia ballot recounters are calling multiple President Donald Trump ballots for Joe Biden, Project Veritas reported in a new undercover video.

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General Thomas McInerney Outlines New Evidence Alleging Nationwide Ballot Tampering to Prevent Trump Landslide

Tuesday morning on The John Fredericks Show, host John Fredricks welcomed General Thomas McInerney to the show to discuss the alleged coordinated nationwide voter fraud using Hammer and Scorecard to defeat a Trump landslide victory in the 2020 election.

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Trump Supporters from Across America Flood Washington DC at the Million MAGA March

People from all over the United States filled the streets of Washington D.C. on Saturday at the Million MAGA March for two reasons: to encourage President Trump, and to signal concern over the recent elections. Instead of a formal Trump-campaign event, the rally was a grassroots-style march that attracted a broad swath of Trump supporters ranging from pro-life Catholic organizations to far-right militias. The Trump motorcade made an appearance earlier on Saturday morning, and the crowd continued to grow until about mid-afternoon.

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Georgia SOS: Vacation Run-Off Voters Will Be Prosecuted, Face 10 Years in Jail

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger issued an unequivocal warning Friday: “Moving to Georgia temporarily in order to vote in January 5 Runoff is illegal and will be prosecuted.”

Further clarifying both the letter and the spirit of the law, he said: “Moving to the state with the sole purpose of voting and leaving is illegal and is considered voter fraud.

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Georgia Democratic Senate Candidate Ossoff Initially Failed to Disclose Payments by Telecom Company Led by Official Opposed to Hong Kong Independence

Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Jon Ossoff of Georgia was compensated by a Hong Kong media company owned by an anti-democracy executive, a source of income previously undisclosed, The National Review said.

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Mainstream Media Calls Georgia for Biden Despite Recount Over Widespread Voting Irregularities

The mainstream media, including The Hill here, on Friday afternoon called the Georgia election for Joe Biden despite a recount being taken amid widespread voting irregularities.

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RNC Chairwoman Confirms 12K Incident Reports and Over 400 Affidavits Filed for Voter Fraud

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide. 

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Democrats Say Facebook, Google Political Ad Bans Will Suppress Voter Turnout During Senate Double Runoff Election in Georgia

Facebook and Google are banning political ads from their platforms with no exceptions allowed, at a time when two U.S. Senate seats are up for grabs in a Jan. 5 runoff election in Georgia that could help determine control of that chamber, NBC News reported.

The Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee criticized the decisions, which they said, “amount to unacceptable voter suppression.”

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Senator Rick Scott Headlines Runoff Event for Senators David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler

“I’m here for one reason, for two individuals that respect, recognize, and reward hard work,” Senator Rick Scott (R-FL) announced when he took the stage at Black Diamond Grill in Cumming, on Friday afternoon.

Addressing an audience that filled the venue to capacity and overflowed onto the sidewalk, he continued: “They’ve been successful because they have common sense, and they care about everybody in this state.”

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True the Vote Sues Pennsylvania to Fight Counting of Illegal Ballots in Four Counties

True the Vote filed a federal lawsuit against Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf and Secretary of State Kathryn Boockvar to contest illegal ballots counted in the November 3 election.

The organization said the suit is part of its “Validate the Vote” initiative and is on behalf of four Pennsylvania voters.

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Citizens Concerned About Election Integrity to March for Trump in Every State Capitol, Washington on Saturday

A series of marches supporting President Donald Trump and to demand election integrity are being held throughout the country at noon local time on Saturday.

The March for Trump will be held in every state capitol as well as at Freedom Plaza, 1301 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C., according to the event website. The website links to America First Projects.

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Glitchy Dominion Voting Machines in Georgia Were Used in Response to Previous Voting Concerns

Dominion voting machines, which have drawn scrutiny over security concerns during the November 3 elections, ironically made their entrance into use in Georgia this year after concerns were raised about the sanctity of past elections.

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in an undated press release that he had selected Dominion Voting Systems’ new verified paper ballot system to be in operation for the March 24, 2020 presidential primary.

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Truckers Plan ‘Stop the Wheels’ Shutdown in Protest of Joe Biden’s Plans for Fracking Ban, Green New Deal

If you notice store shelves that are empty of toilet paper and canned food again, it may be because of a truckers’ shutdown and not the Chinese coronavirus.

Truckers have been taking to social media to try to organize a “Stop The Wheels 2020” shutdown in protest of Joe Biden’s plans for the Green New Deal and a fracking ban in the event he assumes the presidency.

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Fox 17 Reports Nashville Bars and Restaurants Account for Less Than One-Half of One Percent of Virus Cases

Dennis Ferrier of Fox News 17 continues his reporting on Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s overreach in closing restaurants and bars, which account for only a fraction of coronavirus cases even as that industry continues to suffer.

Ferrier has been digging into the story for some time to gain the actual number of cases.

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Fox 17 Reports Nashville Bars and Restaurants Account for Less Than One-Half of One Percent of Virus Cases

Dennis Ferrier of Fox News 17 continues his reporting on Nashville Mayor John Cooper’s overreach in closing restaurants and bars, which account for only a fraction of coronavirus cases even as that industry continues to suffer.

Ferrier has been digging into the story for some time to gain the actual number of cases.

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President Trump Visits Virginia, Draws Massive Crowd

President Donald J. Trump spoke at a campaign rally Friday night in Virginia drawing a crowd of over ten thousand people. 

The event took place in Newport News, Virginia outside of an airport hanger near the Newport News/Williamsburg International Airport.

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Trump to Virgina: We’re in It to Win It’

As pounding pop songs played and the crowd cheered, Air Force One rolled up behind the stage. President Donald Trump emerged and waved to the 10,000 people standing on the tarmac in Newport News Friday night. An additional 2,000 people were outside the venue, according to campaign officials. 2,000 more people were turned away, for a total of 14,000 people — 9,000 more than organizers expected.

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Minnesota, Virginia Congressmen Propose Constitutional Amendment to Limit Supreme Court Size at Nine Justices

U.S. Reps. Collin C. Peterson (D-MN-07) and Denver Riggleman (R-VA-05) said they want to make sure that neither political party can ever pack the Supreme Court.

In a bipartisan joint press release issued Thursday, the representatives said they introduced an amendment to the U.S. Constitution to permanently set the number of U.S. Supreme Court Justices at nine.

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