Dean Phillips Goes Back on Campaign Promise and Votes for Pelosi As Speaker

Both Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) and Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02) voted for Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) as the next speaker of the house Thursday in one of their first official acts as members of Congress. Craig and Phillips both indicated on the campaign trail that they would like to see…

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Nancy Pelosi Announces Plans for a House ‘Climate Crisis’ Committee After Flying Thousands of Miles to a Hawaiian Resort

by Michael Bastasch   House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi announced Friday that Democrats would create a Select Committee on the Climate Crisis in 2019, which will be headed by Florida Democratic Rep. Kathy Castor. However, Pelosi’s announcement isn’t placating the progressive wing of her party, including New York Rep.-elect Alexandria…

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Phillips Caves Into Pressure from Audience, Expresses Doubt About Legitimacy of Trump Election

Rep.-elect Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) hosted his first town hall Monday night in Bloomington, where he was booed by supporters for claiming that “half of the country” voted for President Donald Trump. “It doesn’t matter what any one of us thinks of him, he was elected by people in this country.…

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Commentary: Trump Picks the Right Fight With Pelosi and Schumer

by George Rasley   President Trump surprised White House reporters Tuesday by calling them into the Oval Office conversation with Democrats that was originally designated as closed to the press. During the debate, both House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer protested that it was taking…

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Dean Phillips Schedules Town Hall After Minnesota Sun Report

Rep.-elect Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) announced that he will be holding a town hall December 17 after a Sunday Minnesota Sun report found that he had yet to schedule a public meeting that he promised for “early December.” “To that end, Phillips announced his first public town-hall meeting will be held in…

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Minnesota Media Gives Dean Phillips a Pass on Pelosi Speaker Nomination

Dean Phillips

Rep.-elect Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) is declining to state his position on House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12), but Minnesota’s media doesn’t seem to care. Phillips called for “a new generation of leadership” in the Democratic Party on the campaign trail, but has mostly avoided the subject ever since his election.…

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Ocasio-Cortez Sees Global Warming as Way to Push Social and Racial Agenda

by Michael Bastasch   Democratic Congresswoman-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York said the “Green New Deal” plan she supports would be used to achieve liberal “economic, social and racial justice” goals along with fighting global warming. “We can use the transition to 100 percent energy as the vehicle to truly deliver…

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Liz Cheney Urges Republicans to Fight Hard Against Democrats’ Socialist Ideas

by Molly Prince   Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming sounded the alarm for Republicans to fight hard against socialist issues when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives after the new year. Cheney dismissed the notion that elected representatives are not good people, while speaking Sunday to Fox…

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Dean Phillips Goes Silent on Pelosi Vote After Calling for ‘New Leadership’

Rep.-elect Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) called for “new leadership” in the Democratic Party while on the campaign trail, but has gone silent after his party elected Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) as their nominee for House Speaker. Pelosi squelched any opposition from freshmen Democrats, who didn’t do much more than send a…

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72-year-old Congresswoman Accuses Fellow Dems of Ageism, Sexism for Picking Younger Black Male for Leadership Role

by Luke Rosiak   A 72-year-old black congresswoman accused her fellow Democratic House members of ageism and sexism after they selected a younger black male, New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, to lead the House Democratic Caucus on Wednesday. The caucus chairmanship is the fifth-most powerful leadership position. Unlike the hotly…

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House Dem Who Signed Pelosi Opposition Letter Reverses His Course

by Hanna Bogorowski   A House Democrat who was among 16 legislators to sign a letter opposing Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House changed his mind Wednesday and will support Pelosi for the position. New York Rep. Brian Higgins told The Buffalo News he made an agreement with Pelosi…

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Craig And Phillips Skip Out On Letter from Fellow Democrats Vowing to Vote Against Pelosi for Speaker

A group of Democratic House members issued a letter to their colleagues Monday vowing to vote against Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-11) in her bid for the speakership. The letter calls for “new leadership” in Congress, but some of Minnesota’s newly-elected members who made similar claims on the campaign trail…

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Ocasio-Cortez, Activists Occupy Nancy Pelosi’s Office And Demand A Green New Deal

by Michael Bastash   A group of young environmental activists occupied House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office with a list of demands, including one that Democrats support what they’re calling a “Green New Deal.” Activists began their “sit in” at Pelosi’s Capitol Hill office on Tuesday morning, wearing matching t-shirts…

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Newt Gingrich Predicts Pelosi Presiding Over Crazies Will Help Trump Win in 2020

by Nick Givas   Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said if House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is chosen as speaker for the next two years, it could ultimately benefit President Donald Trump. “I think if the president can set up two years of Nancy Pelosi presiding over crazies, that’ll…

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Despite Opposition From Some Democrats, Pelosi Likely to Be House Speaker Again

by Fred Lucas   During the 2018 election campaign cycle, nearly 60 Democratic House candidates and incumbents said they would not vote for Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California to become speaker again if their party retakes control of the House. Dozens of other Democratic candidates declined to give a…

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Pelosi Outlines Agenda if Democrats Retake House

Projecting confidence about her party’s chances, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi outlined five of the top 10 agenda items Democrats will pursue if they retake the House in next month’s election. Lowering health care costs, rebuilding infrastructure, and running the House chamber with more transparency and openness are near the top…

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Gloves Come Off In Minnesota First Congressional District Debate

Republican Jim Hagedorn and Democrat Dan Feehan participated in a spirited debate Friday morning in their race for Minnesota’s First Congressional District. The First District encompasses the southern region of Minnesota where issues such as agricultural regulations and the effects of climate change are impacting farming communities in the area.…

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Walz and Johnson Lay Out ‘Opposite’ Visions for State in Greater Minnesota Debate

With election day on the horizon, Minnesota’s gubernatorial candidates came out swinging during a Tuesday night “Greater Minnesota Debate” in Willmar to discuss the issues affecting rural Minnesotans, such as agricultural regulations and refugee resettlement. Republican Jeff Johnson started the debate by criticizing opponent Rep. Tim Walz (D-MN-01) for voting…

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Commentary: The Transitive Property Explains Democrats’ Covert Self-Sabotage Mission

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Donald Trump

by Jeffery Rendall   It’s human nature…try thinking of a sporting event where you’re supposed to root for one side but secretly hoped the opposing team prevailed on the scoreboard. Or if you’ve watched those super hero movies, did you ever wish the bad guy won in the end? We’re…

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Meet Dan Feehan: the Democratic ‘Carpetbagger’ Hoping to Take the Reins of Minnesota’s First District

Dan Feehan

Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor (DFL) Party candidate Dan Feehan is dodging questions about whether he would support Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA-12) in a potential run for speaker if Democrats gain control of the House in November. In a revealing interview with The Post Bulletin, Feehan, an Obama-admin alumnus, declined to comment on…

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Steve Cohen Will Push For Nancy Pelosi as Next Speaker of the House

Steve Cohen

If Democrats retake the U.S. House of Representatives this fall then U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, said he’ll support Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House yet again. Cohen made his remarks on MSNBC this past weekend. While there, he also called Republican President Donald Trump “a maniac.” No one…

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Underreported: What Tax Reform ‘Crumbs’ Meant for These Blue Collar Workers


by Kelsey Harkness   Tom Condon has seen Jamison Doors through many of the company’s ups and downs. A factory worker for 28 years, Condon has survived multiple rounds of layoffs, diligently scribing metal and performing other tasks to help piece together the cold storage doors the company’s been making for…

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